Psychedelic Retreats & Ceremonies

2224104187Journey beyond the ordinary.

Are you feeling disconnected from your true self or seeking deeper meaning in your life?

Have you and your partner been searching for a unique way to strengthen your bond and explore new depths of your relationship?

Or perhaps you’re looking for a transformative experience that you can bring into the comfort of your own space?

Allow your mind, body and spirit to converse in profound harmony. Our psychedelic retreats and ceremonies offer a sacred space for individuals, couples and small groups to explore the depths of their consciousness, foster deep healing, and embark on transformative journeys.

Whether seeking personal growth, healing, or spiritual awakening, our retreats and ceremonies are designed to guide you through a profound exploration of the self, surrounded by a safe and harmonious set and setting. 

2096017861Explore our curated package options:

1) Individual Ceremony or Retreat: A deeply personal journey into self-awareness and healing, perfect for those embarking on their own path of discovery. 

2) Couples or Pairs Ceremony or Retreat: Designed to deepen connections and foster shared growth, this package offers couples or pairs a journey into mutual understanding and spiritual awakening.

3) Small Group Ceremony or Retreat (up to 4): An immersive experience for close friends or family members, offering shared support, enhanced connection, and profound individual and collective healing. 


Each Retreat Includes: 

  • Comfortable accommodations: a peaceful, calm home-like setting designed to foster relaxation and introspection.
  • Transportation: hassle-free transfers to and from the retreat location. 
  • Meals: Nourishing, mindful meals prepared with local, organic ingredients to support your journey. 
  • Customized Integration Activities: A range of activities tailored to support your integration process, including meditation, acudetox acupuncture, energy healing, yoga, nature walks, and creative expression. 
  • Holistic Self-care: elevate your experience with additional therapeutic treatments such as acudetox acupuncture for detoxification and balance, and energy healing sessions to harmonize your body and spirit.


Each Ceremony Includes: 

  • Calming Journey Space: relaxing environment for your ceremony to promote comfort, safety and a conducive setting for your experience.
  • Experienced Professional Guides: certified and trained professional guides to ensure a supportive inner journey with harm reduction and personal wellbeing as our top priority.  
  • Pre and Post Support: preparation and integration sessions are included with retreats to help you make the most of your experience


Meghan Branding

The Experience

Our ceremonies and retreats are carefully curated to provide a safe, supportive, and enriching environment for participants. Led by experienced facilitators and guides, each session is crafted to meet the unique needs and intentions of our guests, ensuring a deeply personal and meaningful experience.

From the moment of arrival, participants are invited to disconnect from the external world and connect deeply with their inner selves, facilitated by the natural beauty and tranquility of the retreat setting.

The Transformative Benefits

Psychedelic retreats and guided ceremonies offer profound benefits, including:

Deep Emotional Healing: Release and heal from past traumas, grief and emotional burdens.

Enhanced Self-Awareness: Gain insights into your behaviors, patterns, and the essence of your true self. 

Spiritual Awakening: Experience a profound connection with the universe, fostering a sense of unity and purpose. 

Enriched Relationships: Enhance empathy, understanding and connections with others through shared and individual experiences. 

Creative Breakthroughs: Unlock new perspectives, ideas and inspiration paving the way for growth and creative endeavors to flourish.


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Why Seek Our Services?

Individuals are drawn to our retreats and ceremonies for a myriad of reasons, including:

Searching for Meaning: Those on a quest to find deeper purpose and understanding in their lives.

Healing and Recovery: Individuals looking to overcome personal traumas, grief/loss, and emotional wounds.

Strengthening Connections: Couples and groups seeking to deepen their bonds and experience collective growth.

Personal Transformation: Anyone looking to initiate significant life changes, enhance creativity, or break free from limiting beliefs.

Your tribe awaits.

Build the life you deserve and experience profound inner connection and harmony. 

Contact me today to schedule a ceremony or retreat and amplify your wellness journey!

For more information or to book a discovery call, please visit: