Smoking Cessation

Free yourself from the hold of addiction.

1736853809Most people have plenty of incentive to quit smoking.

But it’s easier said than done.

Your family is constantly hounding you to quit. The unstoppable cough keeps you up at night. Worries about your health ruminate in your mind.

This isn’t your first rodeo. You’ve already tried quitting cold turkey with patches, vaping, medication, or willpower. But the overwhelming cravings, irritability, or weight gain perpetuating your cycle of relapse is not a fun place to be.

You know why you should quit smoking, and it’s been weighing on you for years. But emotionally, it feels impossible.

The stress associated with quitting can be enough to throw your hands up in defeat, making you think you don’t have what it takes to succeed.

1560583118Acupuncture could be your secret weapon in finally kicking the habit.

Acupuncture affects the brain’s addiction center without the side effects commonly seen with prescription medications. In fact, it comes with many side benefits, such as improved sleep and mood and anxiety reduction because it works on the internal mind and body system and stimulates the repairing and healing process.

When beginning an acupuncture protocol for addictions, the primary goal is to relieve cravings. The cranial nerves, accessed through the ear points, stimulate the nervous system to suppress cigarette urges while activating the relaxation response.

In the beginning, the struggle is real. And so is the support. We’ll meet for two to three acupuncture sessions per week and then taper to once per week as withdrawal symptoms fade. Eventually, you’ll feel able to discontinue treatments altogether.

Between acupuncture treatments, you’ll be provided ear seeds and instructions on using them at home. This works as a form of acupressure and involves placing tiny seeds on each ear with adhesive tape in targeted areas. You’ll be able to self-treat by applying pressure to points on the ear to help manage urges to smoke.

After acupuncture, you may have fewer cravings, decreased irritability, and a more stable mood, and the body can naturally return to a healthy state of balance.

The right support for you.

For some, acupuncture alone can provide the balancing effects needed to quit smoking for good. If you’d like to try acupuncture as an adjunct to your quit-smoking goals, let me know during your consultation call to get started with your first session.

For others, combining acupuncture with other healing modalities may be the necessary formula for sustained success.

With an integrated program, you’ll receive regular acudetox treatments that align with your quit-smoking goals. You’ll also receive additional support with Reiki, therapy, coaching, guided meditation, and mindfulness training for stress reduction.

This powerful combination embraces healing and transformation across the mind, body, and spirit system. Giving you the mindset, skills, and internal resilience to reach your intended outcome of living a healthy, happy smoke-free life.

Individual services for women are available in my home office in Arvada, CO.

Restore your balance, your health, and your vitality. Contact me today to bring your hopes into reality.

246277042Smoking Cessation Program

You can also join the group smoking cessation program, which is available for all genders and open several times per year.

The 4-week Stop Smoking Program is a hybrid in-person/virtual 4-week holistic healing program.

Acudetox is held in person at my office in Arvada, CO, or weather permitting, in a calm outdoor park or nature area. All other sessions will take place virtually.

The program includes the following:

  • Acudetox groups twice weekly. Groups include a combination of guided meditation and reiki energy healing. Choose to participate in as many groups as you would like.
  • Four (weekly) virtual stress management, mindfulness, and skills-building groups.
  • Two pre-recorded meditations for use at home.
  • Your choice of a virtual Angel Reiki or Individual Coaching session during the program.
  • Habit tracker journal to keep track of progress, self-care, successes, and wins.

Additional individual sessions can be scheduled for even more support and personal development through the recovery process.

Exchange: $500 for the 4-week group.

The challenge of quitting smoking can be isolating. Maybe your current friends all smoke and aren’t ready to quit themselves, or no one around you smokes, and they just don’t get it.

Joining a group takes the loneliness out of healing. It gives you a place of support from like-minded peers who are also struggling with many of the same things.

And the collective energy in a group to propel you forward is powerful. Think of it like an amplifier that enhances your ability to heal exponentially.

Smoking is costing you more than just your wallet.

It costs your health, future, and freedom.

Free yourself from the grip of smoking.

Call me today to step into your healthiest self yet: (719) 800-1233.