AcuReiki Healing for Women

1070125520Women are so special. Only they rarely realize it.

You’re mom, partner, friend, daughter, and career woman. A mastermind of multitasking and putting your needs to the side, you’re also the listener, the comforter, and the problem-solver.

The pressure of keeping up with household chores, being an attentive parent, soothing the needs of others, bad bosses, and demanding workloads make you feel like you’re supposed to be a human robot.

The naturally intuitive, healing, and empathic parts of you get suppressed by these constant demands and stresses.

Problems like physical pain, migraines, backaches, and weak immunity make an already hectic life only tougher.

At the end of the day, there’s little energy for yourself.

You strive for more ease and clarity in your decisions. Sometimes it feels like the more you think about something, the more confused you get.

You want to feel more in tune with your intuition and follow the passions in your heart.

But the self-doubt and fear keep telling you it’s too hard, not for you, and prevents you from reaching your full potential.

Acupuncture can help. Reiki can help. And the combined power of both can offer a profound healing experience that transforms your life for the better.

541977679AcuReiki is like a soul-nourishing, energetic massage.

It helps the body return to a healthy state of balance. Bringing back the spark in your life so that you can cope better not only physically, but also emotionally with the challenges of life.

There is no need even for verbal communication. The inner wise self allows the treatment to work exactly as needed to bring balance to the emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual levels of your being.

With more energy and confidence through AcuReiki, you can calm the turmoil, build inner strength and resilience, and ride emotional tides more easily.

The numerous benefits of ear acupuncture combined with Reiki promote:
● Healing at an internal level
● A sense of calm and relaxation
● Improved mental clarity and focus
● Regulation in the nervous system
● Reduced stress and anxiety
● Improved sleep
● Improved or more balanced mood
● Less anger and aggression
● Detoxification of the body
● Overall well-being

2138294175AcuReiki involves an in-person, individual, or group session where five tiny, sterilized acupuncture needles are inserted into each ear.

Recipients can sit in a comfortable chair or lie peacefully on the Reiki table. We also have the opportunity to be outdoors when the weather permits.

During the 45-minute session, you’ll experience healing music, guided meditation, and crystal therapy.

Aromatherapy (optional) is offered initially, which can help support your intentions and produce calming sensations.

Recipients will receive a full Reiki healing during the session to help restore energetic balance to the chakras.

AcuReiki Services

AcuReiki Balance Individual Sessions: open to women, in-person in Arvada, CO, 45 to 60 minutes

This unique restorative session combines the powerful modalities of acupuncture and Angel Reiki. Detox the body and restore a healthy flow of energy. While sitting with the needles, you’ll also receive the benefits of a full Angel Reiki Chakra Cleanse session. Relieve tension and stress, enhance your intuition, and connect with your soul self.

Optional crystal healing and/or aromatherapy. Ear beads/seeds are placed after the session to leave on for up to a week to prolong the benefits. Take-home herbal tea is provided after. Exchange: $150/session. Or four sessions for $500.

AcuReiki Inner Goddess Awakening Program: open to women, virtual, with in-person option

This spiritual empowerment program will help you activate your radiant inner goddess and reconnect with your soul self. Experience emotional, physical, and spiritual healing through intuitive development, releasing energetic and mental blocks, and following your purpose.

Includes an Angel Reiki Chakra Cleanse, three Spiritual Coaching sessions, two pre-recorded guided meditations for use at home, and a workbook for manifesting your goals and inner purpose. Exchange: $500 for the program. In-person option: Locals may choose AcuReiki sessions in place of Coaching sessions.

Please also see the Groups & Workshops page for group AcuReiki services.

457189819Get in touch with your power!

As you receive AcuReiki, you’ll reconnect with your intuition and healing wisdom.

Bring about a holistic upliftment that helps you activate your true self and step into the beautiful life you are meant to live.

Schedule your AcuReiki session today and reveal the true goddess within: (719) 800-1233.